world wide wonderground

28 dec. 2007

deci am un plan.

vreau un blind party.

adica - o sa aleg 6 oameni pe care nu i-am vazut ever, dar cu care comunic totusi.

o sa le trimit o invitatie electronica.

si o sa ii astept la mine.

fiecare cu inca maxim o persoana.

ne auzim dupa revelion.

ce spuneti?!

14 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

ala e pompi?
stiam eu ca lumea e o stridie.

wealldo spunea...


Doamna Brebenel spunea...

e cu masti?

Azi.Zambesc spunea...

aici sunt.

wealldo spunea...

bine tu.

wealldo spunea...

@ brebe - nu e rea ideea cu mastile. hm...

Azi.Zambesc spunea...

Ba explodeaza!

wealldo spunea...

ba nu mah?! nu insista. o sa declansez un vot.

Azi.Zambesc spunea...

te provoc:D
in contextul meu ea explodeaza.

wealldo spunea...

de ce explodeaza inimile?

Anonim spunea...

combustie interna?

hai trimite-ne invitatiile discret si promit ca nimeni care nu primeste nu se supara. fa tu o tombola, ceva.

wealldo spunea...

pai stai.
tre' sa si concep una. apoi le trimit.

dupa revelion se intimpla.

Vlad Nancă spunea...

Beginning in 1980 and for thirteen consecutive years, French artist Sophie Calle threw a dinner party on her birthday in her own honor. Each year she invited the exact number of people corresponding to her age, always including one stranger chosen by one of her guests. Instead of using the gifts she received, she collected them and created The Birthday Ceremony, a chronology of white cases displaying the gifts and accompanied by text on the front cataloguing each item. The other works on view come from a series entitled Autobiographical Stories, comprising short textual recounts of memories accompanied by five-foot-high black-and-white photographic illustrations. It is impossible to ascertain if the memories are true, invented, or a mixture of both.

wealldo spunea...

nanca, mersi!!!

chiar e ziua mea azi.
stiam eu, nu exista coincidente.



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